Back to Top Button With Progress Bar Indicator

The Back to Top ↑ button is a useful user interface element commonly found on web pages, particularly those with long scrolling content. This button allows users to quickly return to the top of the page with a single click, improving navigation efficiency and overall user experience.

back to top progressbar demo
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How To Make ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) Text Faces Easily?

Writing text messages is as complicated for some people as writing papers for students. Yes, some people just do not like writing and find it unnecessary. Beside making ASCII art, we can use unicode characters to draw text faces.
Expressing your emotions is possible not only with words but with different emoticons and text faces.

text faces

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Simple Animated Dark-Light Theme Switch for Your Website

In recent years, the demand for dark mode 🌗 options in web design has surged, driven by its aesthetic appeal and potential benefits for user experience. Dark mode not only reduces eye strain, especially in low-light environments, but it also conserves battery life 🔋 on devices with OLED screens.

dark light theme switch

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Detect New Website Visitors with JavaScript Cookie

Sometimes it might want to show a custom message to new visitors, such as a cookie warning or some other custom content. Even our online HTML editor is detecting returning visitors and doesn’t show the demo content to them. This lightweight JavaScript solution will help you detect returning visitors with the use of a cookie.
detect first visitor cookie javascript
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Stick HTML element to the top when scrolled through with JavaScript

In this article I’m going to present a lightweight script to stick an HTML element to the top of the page when the user scrolls through it. Use this to make a menu, a call to action button or any other important element always stay in focus. Adjusting the script you can trigger other effects when the page scrolls through an anchor point. Here are the HTML CSS and JS codes to use to accomplish this effect.

javascript stick element top scroll through Continue reading “Stick HTML element to the top when scrolled through with JavaScript”

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